NimdeƐ App is a free IT training app powered by Slamm Technogies. The Nimdee app provides on demand IT lessons to individuals in Ghana across the world.
The app offers lessons on a range of topics including cyber security, IT fundamentals, social media and PC repairs. These lessons which come in basic, intermediate and advanced are available in 11 languages.
Nimdee comes from Twi, a Ghanaian language, and means ‘knowledge’, with the App you get learn basic IT skills at the tap of a finger. Each interactive lesson will teach you a new skill from beginners to more experienced professionals
Nimde3 is a free IT training app. The Nimdee app provides on-demand IT lessons individuals across the world. The app offers lessons in a range of topics including: cybersecurity, IT fundamentals, social media, and PC repair. These lessons are available in 10 different languages and will be segmented by skill level (basic, intermediate, advanced)
Sheila Naa Boamah, a representative from the Ministry of Education said digital literacy has come to stay and we can’t avoid it anymore.
“From the Ministry of Education we are here to lend our support and see you through this daunting journey. I am very happy to have heard certain words that I was looking out for. The fact that there is a goal, the fact that there is a desire to measure impact and the fact that it is going to be targeted at hard-to-reach areas. These are the things that matter to us.”
“So it is a good idea that we are launching in Accra where all the big and fantastic media houses will spread the news but I hope that you will all take the message to the hard-to-reach areas.”
The App is available for downloads on Google play store and Apple store.